Dad sent a Baby Blues comic strip in the mail a week or so, and Aaron ended up reading one to the kids at breakfast that morning. They just loved it and asked him to read it over and over again. It went as follows:
Mom is holding baby Wren while older sister Zoe walks by. Zoe calmly says, "Today, I'm going to finish reading my book and then draw a picture of a horse." Middle brother dashes by holding 2 toilet plungers. He says, "Today, I'm going to see if I can hang from the ceiling using suction cups!" Mom looks down at Wren and says, "Have I told you today that I'm glad you're a girl?"
Well, today at breakfast, Caleb looks up from his MiniWheats and asks Aaron, "Dad, will you do dat ... dat ... dat ... toilet ... do dat toilet ... hanging fwom da toilet ... da hanging reflective cups ... do dat ... wiff da hanging reflective cups ..." Needless to say, we did NOT get the message. It had been a full week since that comic strip episode, with no mention of it since! It took us awhile until we finally understood he was asking for Aaron to read the comic strip again, about hanging from the ceiling with suction cups!
Sometimes, when our kids seem to make no sense at all, they really do. Will we take the time to listen?
It is amazing what kids remember and bring up seemingly out of the blue weeks later. There are so many times that Rachel says something that makes no sense to us, but once we chase down what she is referring to (that happened sometimes months before with no comment in between) it makes perfect sense.