Friday, November 20, 2009

Little things

Well, here are the little things of life.

1. We are growing Ellie's bangs out. We have entered the world of headbands, barretts, etc. How long will this ordeal be? Only her hair (and God) knows.

2. I gave up the potty training that I have been trying the past few days ... for both our sakes. She doesn't seem to get it, and I don't have the patience. I did finally find training underwear ... and they will be waiting for her in a few weeks or months. I don't like diapers ... but I dislike wet underwear (and worse) much more.

3. I took Ellie to the doctor this morning and she has some sort of bronchitis thing (I probably have the same thing - my doctor's appt. is tomorrow morning). So we went to Target and got her prescription and hopefully that will cure her cough. Poor thing has been coughing for almost a month now. Last night she woke up at midnight with a temperature, so she crawled into bed with me. At 2am she finally fell asleep. Then Caleb woke up missing daddy (who is on a trip to TN). Rough night for all of us. Tomorrow morning I go to the doctor and will hopefully get some medicine to cure MY hacking cough. Enough is enough!

4. Looking forward to my Grandma, aunt and uncle coming in town! They arrive tomorrow (it's a busy day!). Yeah!

5. Watched the movie Up!. Wonderful! I cried 11 minutes into it both times we watched it.

That's about all. Time to put Caleb down to an early bed (Ellie's already down). Yeah!


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