Thursday, February 10, 2011

Brainstorming ... without the storm

Aaron asked me to come in to the office to help him brainstorm ideas for this Sunday. Unfortunately, there is noooooo storm going on in my brain today! The waters are still. Like a mirror. Not a creative ripple to stir the placid waters. No brainstorming today! Today is a laundry day. Yes, today is a day to embrace the mundane. With a cup of hot chocolate.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ellie's prayer tonight ...

"God, please help us sleep well. And God, please take away our sins and throw them in the trash can. And please help our trash to go away. And please help the trash truck to drive to our house safely. And please help Aunt Brittany's babies to be well and Auntie Karina to get over her sickness (?) and please help Uncle Tim and Aunt Brittany to live in their new house well ... (and a few more I can't remember) ... Amen."