Aaron preached in "Big Service" tonight. He did great!
On the way home, Caleb was in a super foul mood. He scowled at everyone, grunted to himself over and over again in the car, threw his coat on the floor ... I thought he was REALLY tired! So, got Ellie to bed quickly and then dealt with him. He was already in his pj's, grunting and groaning on his bed.
I asked him, "Is there a reason you are so mad?"
He replied, through clenched teeth, "I wanted to play Angry Birds with daddy."
"You were being so nasty and upset just because of Angry Birds?"
He nodded.
"Do you think Angry Birds is becoming a little TOO important too you, for you to be acting like this?"
He nodded.
And then I told him that when I feel something is becoming too important to me, more important than it should be, I fast it. Caleb asked what fasting was so we talked about that. I suggested that he should think about fasting Angry Birds, so that it doesn't become too important to him, and to remind him that God should always be more important.
And then we prayed - well, I prayed. And Caleb cried. When I finished, I said, "Caleb, I didn't say you HAD to fast. I'm not going to force you to fast something. That decision has to come from you and your heart in order for it to mean anything. You think about it and make your decision."
I gave him a big hug and kiss, and as I turned to leave, he said ... in a small voice ... "I think I should fast Angry Birds."
"Ok. You need to decide how long you will fast it for. A few days ... you let me know by tomorrow morning."
"I think a week ... or 2 weeks ..."
"Well, let's start with a week."
Sooooo ... Caleb is fasting Angry Birds for 1 week. Poor guy - he loves to play it so much! A bit too much. It will be a good thing that Aaron will be leaving this weekend for Kids Breakaway Camp ... he'll take his computer and cell phone with him. Caleb will have no access to Angry Birds!
I love this son that God has given to us. I reminds us to read the devotion book at breakfast (sometimes with an annoying chant ...), sings random bible songs at random times ... Yesterday he said to me at the mailbox, "Mom, remember when God talked to me and told me to put the money that should have gone for toys (his allowance) into the church slot?" That happened a few months ago. He told me God had talked to his heart about putting his allowance into the "church slot" in his bank. "Yes," I responded. "I remember too," he said. "That was cool." And then he ran into the house. I love this kid! I pray he always has a heart after God, just like David.