Monday, April 27, 2009

It has been a beautiful day here in Bensalem! The sun was shining all day, it was well into the high 80s, and even broke 90! Tomorrow is supposed to be hotter (er... more hot). Jenny is trying to find a little pool for our backyard (even though it's gonna dip back into the 60s after tomorrow...).

Jen took Ellie to the doctor today. She had a high temp, an ear infection, and bronchitis. She's been having coughing fits on and off for the past couple weeks, but they've gotten worse in the last couple days so we thought we'd take her in. Jen picked up some antibiotics at Target and that should help both problems.

As I was putting Ellie to bed she had a couple funny things to say. First, I was talking with her about how she shouldn't put her toothbrush into the emergency drain in the sink (you know, the extra little hole near the top rim of your sinks)'s dirty, and it's not good to get your toothbrush dirty. Jenny had a talk with her about this same thing last night - but for Ellie, being told once isn't enough...being told twice isn't enough...20 times?? So as I was explaining to her why we shouldn't do it, she piped in with, "It's not a toy." I think she gets it more than we give her credit for.

The second cute thing she said was at the end of the book we were looking at. It is a book with lots of little pictures in it, and the last page has a toy box with toys in it and a train on the front. In the box is a bear, and she had to kiss the bear. And then the bear had to kiss her. And then she was talking to the bear (which was my part). And the bear asked her what kinds of toys she liked. And she said she likes poop. Little poop. And little poop is soooo stinky.

Why do my posts always revolve around poop?

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