Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saturday Night Snuggles

Ok, so due to the fact that Caleb got a nap this afternoon (although desperately needed), he was NOT ready to go to bed at bedtime! So he sang songs from Polar Express to himself (he actually sang "Christmas Comes to Town" while "Rockin' on top of the World" was playing on his CD player). Then I laid down with him in his bed for a little bit and we talked about our day and about our upcoming vacation (he asked me to repeat the itinerary a few times), and then, inevitably, came our "I love you" contest. I said "I love you" and he said "I love you watts and watts" and I said "I love you even more" and he said "I love you watts and watts and watts and watts and watts and watts and watts and watts and watts and watts and watts and watts and watts and WATTS!" and he patted my cheek. And I said "I love you up to the moon and back" (who's read that book a million times?) and he said "I love you all the way up to God." Well, how can I top that except "I love you up to God and back again" so he said "I love you around in a big circle!" I figured I'd stop there because that's like infinity, and infinity is the end of the game. So I just said "I think we love each other a lot" and he said "But God loves us even more!" And I smiled. And he wrapped his blanket around his hand and held it in place with his hooked finger.

Then I went to check on Ellie. She was actually awake ... a little unusual for her. So I crawled into her little toddler bed with her. Whereas Caleb likes to hold hands and pat cheeks and such, Ellie didn't want to be touched at all. So we laid there, listening to GT and the Halo Express. And she named all the parts of her face. And then named all the parts of my face. And then she wanted to kiss all the parts of my face. My cheek, other cheek, nose, forehead, eye, other eye, chin, hair ... repeat (I did draw the line at kissing my teeth, though). I think I got about 50 kisses. And after each kiss, she'd look at me with the cutest little delighted smile. It was so sweet.

Today was good. It was really fun and relaxing. There were so many neat things that made me smile and laugh. But the best part, I think, was those "late night" moments with Caleb and Ellie. Thank God they weren't too "late night" ... 'cuz I don't think I would've enjoyed them nearly as much! And thank God that I don't sleep on a toddler bed! That thing is small!


  1. Too, too, too cute. You're kids are freaking adorable. I can't wait to do fun stuff like that with my own! :)
    Love you all,
