Some highlights of my trip ...
Seeing my cousin Aubrey graduate high school ...
Seeing my wonderful Grandma Jeanie ...
Spending time with my best friend Karina and helping to take care of her two precious new babies, Calvin and Lucia (6 weeks old) ...
I forgot how much those first few months revolve around the feeding/changing/sleeping schedule! It was just a few years ago, yet it seems like a lifetime. I always rolled my eyes when I heard people say, "My, how time does fly." And now I find myself saying the exact same thing ... because it's TRUE! However, taking care of TWO itty-bitty babies is a bit different than taking care of ONE itty-bitty baby! But we got our rhythm down ... changing, getting the bottles ready, feeding, holding, swaddling ... and repeat. I am SO glad I got to be there with her! We had a fantastic time, and I will truly treasure that time together! I thank God that He put us together way back in middle school. Could I have predicted, as a little gangly, clueless 12 year old, that Karina and I would be still giggling away and buying matching shoes some ** years later? (Years have been deleted to protect ... well ... me.)
Here is a digital scrapbook page I made of Karina, Damian, Calvin and Lucia. As you can tell, we had lots of fun and there was lots of laughter! Damian is such a goof, and such a good husband and daddy. And he's really tired right now ... for some strange reason!

When I returned home, Aaron and the kids were waiting up for me ... and I received the most lovely return reception! Caleb and Ellie ran into my arms crying "MOMMY!" And Caleb stayed there for about 5 minutes, just hugging me and sighing "mommy" over and over. Ellie quickly turned to Grandma and Grandpa and had to show them things, but she was very glad to see me as well. YES! It's almost worth it being gone to receive such a welcome home! And Aaron was glad to have his teammate back. He did an amazing job being single daddy for the week ... but there is a reason God meant the family to consist of two parents.
Well, I had fun, but as Dorothy said, "There's no place like home."
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