Thursday, April 30, 2009
"No sun..."
All in all, the movie was great! Breathtaking footage! I'm glad we went - even though Aaron and I are exhausted! {:-)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Chickies ... and ... guess what?!?!
So tonight at church, everyone had gone home and Aaron had to finish up something. So Joanna, her son Craig, Caleb, Ellie and I got a few of the chickies out to hold. We let 2 of them run around on the bright rug with a lovely picture of Jesus teaching children, keeping careful watch so Caleb and Ellie didn't trample them in their excitement (Ellie does NOT understand the concept of "personal space" for any poor creature. That is why our cats do not materialize until night time.). So ... in the course of the few minutes of freedom, of course the inevitable happens! Yes, the chickie poops on the rug. And the kiddos are delighted. "Ewwwww!!!! Icky poop!" And I easily clean it up with a wet wipe (one benefit of small creatures - small poop!). And a few minutes later, the other chickie poops on the rug, right on Jesus' face! So it looked like Jesus had a nose. Is that sacriligious? Well, I think we'll absolve the chickie of any terrible sin as I think it was definitely before the "age of accountability". Anyways, I quickly cleaned up that poop too! And eventually Aaron finished, we put the chickies back in their home (neatly avoiding Ellie trying to pick one up by it's scrawny little neck), washed our hands and finally left (at 9:25pm - whew!).
In the car on the way home, Caleb pipes up, "How do they poop and pee? Where is their penis and bottom?" And we smothered our smiles and answered very matter-of-factly, "It's under their feathers." And that satisfied him.
So ... once again ... our blog centers around the wonderful topic of poop. Go figure! :-)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
"Look what I can do!"
I walked into Caleb's room one night to put him to bed and he started to show me this jump:
Then tonight Caleb decided to show me some more moves...and Ellie had to try them out, too. So here they are:
God bless!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Jen took Ellie to the doctor today. She had a high temp, an ear infection, and bronchitis. She's been having coughing fits on and off for the past couple weeks, but they've gotten worse in the last couple days so we thought we'd take her in. Jen picked up some antibiotics at Target and that should help both problems.
As I was putting Ellie to bed she had a couple funny things to say. First, I was talking with her about how she shouldn't put her toothbrush into the emergency drain in the sink (you know, the extra little hole near the top rim of your sinks)'s dirty, and it's not good to get your toothbrush dirty. Jenny had a talk with her about this same thing last night - but for Ellie, being told once isn't enough...being told twice isn't enough...20 times?? So as I was explaining to her why we shouldn't do it, she piped in with, "It's not a toy." I think she gets it more than we give her credit for.
The second cute thing she said was at the end of the book we were looking at. It is a book with lots of little pictures in it, and the last page has a toy box with toys in it and a train on the front. In the box is a bear, and she had to kiss the bear. And then the bear had to kiss her. And then she was talking to the bear (which was my part). And the bear asked her what kinds of toys she liked. And she said she likes poop. Little poop. And little poop is soooo stinky.
Why do my posts always revolve around poop?
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Saturday Night Snuggles
Then I went to check on Ellie. She was actually awake ... a little unusual for her. So I crawled into her little toddler bed with her. Whereas Caleb likes to hold hands and pat cheeks and such, Ellie didn't want to be touched at all. So we laid there, listening to GT and the Halo Express. And she named all the parts of her face. And then named all the parts of my face. And then she wanted to kiss all the parts of my face. My cheek, other cheek, nose, forehead, eye, other eye, chin, hair ... repeat (I did draw the line at kissing my teeth, though). I think I got about 50 kisses. And after each kiss, she'd look at me with the cutest little delighted smile. It was so sweet.
Today was good. It was really fun and relaxing. There were so many neat things that made me smile and laugh. But the best part, I think, was those "late night" moments with Caleb and Ellie. Thank God they weren't too "late night" ... 'cuz I don't think I would've enjoyed them nearly as much! And thank God that I don't sleep on a toddler bed! That thing is small!
A Fun Day (for Tortoise Poop)
First we had to go over to the church for a Missions Flag rehearsal (tomorrow we are having a combined Missions emphasis service with all the elementary-aged kids sitting with their families in the main sanctuary...and some of the kids are going to be carrying in flags). I was going to leave early to get a few things set-up...and just as I was sitting down to eat my Frosted Flakes Caleb had a bloody nose. So I held some tissues on his nose for awhile, then left without eating my cereal. No big deal, though, cuz I picked up some Munchkins from DD on my way in to the church.
We had a great rehearsal, then we went to a big Children's Expo put on by one of the local State Senators, Tommy Tomlinson. It was held at Council Rock South High School ($$$). There were fire and rescue trucks, a police K-9 show, magician, Franklin Institute Science Show, huge inflatable slide and bouncy house, free food and drinks...and the petting zoo!
Ahhh, yes. You knew I would get to that title comment sooner or later. The petting zoo was cool - a couple lambs, some baby goats, bunnies, little chickens, a pig, a burro, a llama, some grown goats, and a tortoise. I'll put some pictures down below. We fed the animals, petted the animals, 'talked to the animals', watched the llama step on the tortoise, then watched the tortoise poop.
Yep. I haven't seen too many tortoises do too many things...but I saw this one do-do a lot. He must've been stepped on by the llama too many times. Of course, I know that all animals have to poop - I've just never seen tortoise poop...and I thought it was really cool. I'm probably just really weird. Well, here's a picture:
OK. Actually the coolest thing was sitting in the State Trooper Helicopter with Caleb and Ellie. It's just like sitting in a car...but it's a helicopter. We got to walk all around it, touch it, step up on it, look in the cockpit, spin the rotors............not that last one. It was cool.
Caleb liked the big slide, Ellie liked the animals. Here are some more pics! Catch ya later! AG
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Broadway at CLC
I just went to their website. And I'm amazed. And I'm looking forward to it. Check out this song called The Testimony:
You can hear more of their music here.
Amazing Grace is a new musical that is trying to get to Broadway, so they are doing some concerts to help it get feet. They have some pretty amazing talent involved.
You are all invited to come out to the concert! Feel free to book a night at our place if you need to.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Going Shopping
Making Room to K'Nex with God
Well, one of the wheels fell off of one of the mowers - I was sitting there 'resting my eyes' when it happened – and Caleb immediately said in a somewhat whiney voice, “One of the wheels fell off!” I know it was a statement, but I know it was a request for help at the same time. I opened my eyes to see what I could help him...he's my son. And before I could lean over and lend a hand, Caleb had grabbed the wheel and put it back on. I don't think it is on all the he'll probably be asking for help again soon.
I couldn't help but let my mind wander to how God views us sometimes. We ask God for help, but then we immediately take things into our own hands and try to do it ourselves.
The problem, a lot of times, isn't that we don't ask God for help...but that we don't give God room to do what He wants to do. This may mean we have to wait a bit longer. It may mean that we get uncomfortable. It will require more FAITH.
In a lot of leadership and self-help type books we see this idea labeled 'margin.' They talk about giving yourself margin. I think we need to give God margin in our lives. We need to make room, plan room, or build room in our lives for God's margin.
It needs to be the practice of every Christ-follower to give God margin. Isn't that what being a Christ-follower is all about? How will we ever see God do amazing things in our lives unless we give Him the room to do them? Check out what David wrote:
Psalm 40:1-2 (NIV)
1 I waited patiently for the LORD;
he turned to me and heard my cry.2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand.
So, ask God to work in your life. Ask with Faith (see Matthew 8:5-13). Ask with Hope (see Psalm 146, esp. vs. 5). Then give God margin...wait for Him to act...before you do.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter!!
"The Great Egg Hunt"
"Easter Basket Excitement"
Ellie explains why Dora is in a Time-Out:
WOW. It took a long time to upload these. I'm going to bed.
The First Post...
We are going to be sharing stories with y'all (Jen mostly...maybe...she's such a better writer than I am), videos, pictures...a bit of our life.
That's all for now, cuz I want to click through everything and figure out how to set things up. Good night!