First we had to go over to the church for a Missions Flag rehearsal (tomorrow we are having a combined Missions emphasis service with all the elementary-aged kids sitting with their families in the main sanctuary...and some of the kids are going to be carrying in flags). I was going to leave early to get a few things set-up...and just as I was sitting down to eat my Frosted Flakes Caleb had a bloody nose. So I held some tissues on his nose for awhile, then left without eating my cereal. No big deal, though, cuz I picked up some Munchkins from DD on my way in to the church.
We had a great rehearsal, then we went to a big Children's Expo put on by one of the local State Senators, Tommy Tomlinson. It was held at Council Rock South High School ($$$). There were fire and rescue trucks, a police K-9 show, magician, Franklin Institute Science Show, huge inflatable slide and bouncy house, free food and drinks...and the petting zoo!
Ahhh, yes. You knew I would get to that title comment sooner or later. The petting zoo was cool - a couple lambs, some baby goats, bunnies, little chickens, a pig, a burro, a llama, some grown goats, and a tortoise. I'll put some pictures down below. We fed the animals, petted the animals, 'talked to the animals', watched the llama step on the tortoise, then watched the tortoise poop.
Yep. I haven't seen too many tortoises do too many things...but I saw this one do-do a lot. He must've been stepped on by the llama too many times. Of course, I know that all animals have to poop - I've just never seen tortoise poop...and I thought it was really cool. I'm probably just really weird. Well, here's a picture:
OK. Actually the coolest thing was sitting in the State Trooper Helicopter with Caleb and Ellie. It's just like sitting in a car...but it's a helicopter. We got to walk all around it, touch it, step up on it, look in the cockpit, spin the rotors............not that last one. It was cool.
Caleb liked the big slide, Ellie liked the animals. Here are some more pics! Catch ya later! AG
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