I couldn't sleep last night, so as I lay awake, I pondered what new way to tell the Zacchaeus story. And I came up with the combination of Star Wars action figures, cereal and an overhead transparency. OF COURSE! The perfect combination! And what's better ... Caleb agreed to help me tell the story! Awesome!
Point of the story: Show how Zacchaeus didn't just
say he'd change ... he
did it. Good intentions are not enough.
So, the day started with the kids asking what the overhead projector was. Man, I feel so old. They probably think a slide projector is a historical artifact.
Anyways, I started the story with Yoda as Zacchaeus, laid on top of the overhead (so we could see his shadow up on the stage screen), and showed how Zacchaeus, as a tax collector, was stealing money from people. He charged Han Solo 1 silver coin (or cheerio), but took another silver coin (or cheerio) for himself. Then Caleb got to eat the Cheerios. Then Yoda charged the Storm Trooper 2 cheerios of tax, and took 2 cheerios for himself. And Caleb ate. Then Yoda charged Leia 5 cheerios of tax, and stole 5 cheerios for himself. And Caleb ate.
Then I briefly told the action part of the story, we all sang the song, and we got to the part where Zacchaeus changed. I told the kids, "Something happened in Zacchaeus's heart. He didn't want to steal anymore. In fact, he told Jesus that he was going to give back all that he stole!"
Immediately, I heard Caleb mutter under his breath, "I don't know how I'm gonna get all those Cheerios out of my belly ..."
And I lost it. I just started laughing. Really laughing. And everyone looked at me like I was nuts, 'cuz they couldn't hear what Caleb had said. So of course, I had to tell them. And then they laughed. But, I think they all laughed more at me laughing than what Caleb actually had said. I laughed so hard I started to cry. Ahhhhh ... it's been awhile since a good guffaw like that. Well, I did get my composure and finished the story. Zacchaeus paid back 4 times what he had stolen. So Yoda went to Han Solo and paid him back 4 cheerios (Caleb counted them all out from his bowl) ... gave 8 to Storm Trooper ... and then we just dumped the bowl on Leia. Then Caleb got to eat them all again. The Cheerios, not the action figures.
It was a fun story. I like working with Caleb! He's funny! He is a great gift from God!
That just goes to show you ... you never know what you can do with 3 weird items. Try it. Pick out 3 weird things in your house and just see what story you can tell! It might just make you laugh!